20 Einträge (von 35). 1 2Seite 1
von 2

Fuchs, Cynthia:
"Did Anyone Ever Explain To You What 'Secret Identity' Means?" - Race and Displacement in Buffy and Dark Angel
(Aufsatz) +
Masson, Cynthea/Stanley, Marni:
Queer Eye of the Vampire Guy: Spike and the Aestetics of Camp
(Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
Slayage: 1922 (Artikel) +
Call, Lewis:
"Sounds Like Kinky Business to Me" - Subtextual und Textual Representations of Erotic Power in the Buffyverse
Slayage: 1924 (Artikel) +
Buinicki, Martin/Enns, Anthony:
Buffy the Vampie Disciplinarian - Institutional Excess and the New Economy of Power
(Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
Slayage: 04/2001 (Artikel) +
Wilcox, Rhonda V.:
There will never be a 'Very Special' Buffy - Buffy and the Monsters of Teen Life
(Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
Slayage: 02/2001 (Artikel) +
Clark, Daniel A./Miller, P. Andrew:
Buffy, the Scooby Gang, and Monstrous Authority - BtVS and the Subversion of Authority
(Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
Slayage: 03/2001 (Artikel) +
Wilcox, Rhonda V.:
Every Night I Save You - Buffy, Spike, Sex and Redemption
Slayage: 05/2002 (Artikel) +
Battis, Jes:
She's Not All Grown Yet - Willow as Hybrid/Hero in Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Slayage: 08/2002 (Artikel) +
Locklin, Reid B.:
Buffy the Vampire Slayer and the Domestic Church - Revisioning Family and the Common Good
Slayage: 06/2002 (Artikel) +
Vint, Sherryl:
Killing us softly? - A feminist search for the 'real' Buffy
(Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
Slayage: 05/2002 (Artikel) +
Early, Frances:
Staking Her Claim - Buffy the Vampire Slayer as Transgressive Woman Warrior
Slayage: 06/2002 (Artikel) +
Karras, Irene:
The Third Wave's Final Girl: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Thirdspace: 1/2002 (Artikel) +
Fossey, Claire:
Never Hurt the Feelings of a Brutal Killer - Spike and the Underground Man
(Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
Slayage: 08/2002 (Artikel) +
Spicer, Arwen:
Love's Bitch but Man Enough to Admit It - Spike's Hybridized Gender
(Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
Slayage: 07/2002 (Artikel) +
Chandler, Holly:
Slaying the Patriarchy - Transfusions of the Vampire Metaphore in Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Slayage: 09/2003 (Artikel) +
Symonds, Gwyn:
Solving Problems with Sharp Objects - Female Empowerment, Sex and Violence in Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Slayage: 11-12/2003 (Artikel) +
Heinecken, Dawn:
Fan Readings of Sex and Violence on Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Slayage: 11-12/2003 (Artikel) +
Simkin, Stevie:
Who Died and Made You John Wayne? - Anxious Masculinity in Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Slayage: 11-12/2003 (Artikel) +
Diehl, Laura:
Why Drucilla's More Interesting than Buffy
(Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
Slayage: 13-14/2004 (Artikel) +
Alexander, Jenny:
A Vampire is Being Beaten - DeSade Through the Looking Glass in Buffy and Angel
(Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
Slayage: 15/2004 (Artikel) +
20 Einträge (von 35). 1 2Seite 1
von 2