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Engels, Bettina:
(Stephen Ellis, Ineke van Kessel: Movers and Shakers. Social Movements in Africa)
Peripherie: 2010 (Aufsatz: 370-371) +
Schäfer, Rita:
(Aili Marie Tripp, Isabel Casimiro, Joy Kwesiga, Alice Mungwa: African Women's Movements - Changing Political Landscapes)
Peripherie: 2010 (Aufsatz: 346-347) +
Lambert, Tobias:
Besprechungen Soziale Bewegungen und Politik
(Sujatha Fernandes: Who Can Stop the Drums? Urban Social Movements in Chávez's Venezuela)
Das Argument: 289/2010 (Zeitschrift: 902-903) +
Medina, Winnie:
Reflexionspotpourri - (Selbst)kritisches zur Anti-G8-Mobilisierung in Gleneagles
(David Hervie, Keir Milburn, Ben Trott David Watts: Shut them down. The G8, Gleneagles and the Movement of Movements)
analyse und kritik: 503/2006 (Zeitschrift: 10) +
Kastner, Jens Petz:
Affinität statt Gegen-Hegemonie - Die globalisierungskritischen Bewegungen veranlassen Richard J. F. Day, anarchistische und postmoderne Theorie zu verknüpfen
(Richard J. F. Day: Gramsci is dead. Anarchist Currents in the Newest Social Movements)
Graswurzelrevolution: 313/2006 (Zeitschrift: 15) +
Hüttner, Bernd:
(Huub Sanders: Images of Inspiration. A documentary on social movements based on images from the collection of the International Institute of Social History)
Journal der Jugendkulturen: 12/2007 (Zeitschrift: 87) +
Naetar, Franz:
Vorstellung und Diskussion von: Beverly J. Silver: Forces of labor - Workers' Movements and Globalization since 1870
Grundrisse: 09/2004 (Zeitschrift: 19-26) +
Schirazi, Ali:
ex libris
(Asef Bayat: Poor People's Movements in Iran. Street Politics)
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Linden, Marcel van der:
(Charles Downs: Revolution at the Grassroots. Community Organizations in the Portuguese Revolution; John Hammond: Building Popular Power. Workers and Neighborhood Movements in the Portuguese Revolution)
1999: 01/1991 (Zeitschrift: 136-137) +
9 Einträge.