5 Einträge.

Hughes, Kathryn:
First Lady of Heaven and Earth - A magisterial Study of how Mary Became Central to Christianity
Guardian: 13.03.2009 (Artikel) +
Morrison, Blake:
First Person
Guardian: 11.03.2006 (Artikel) +
Cocca, Carolyn:
First Word 'Jail', Second Word 'Bait' - Adolescent Sexuality, Feminist Theories, and Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Slayage: 10/2003 (Artikel) +
Smith, Joan:
Wedlocked - It was in the mid-18th century - the first great era of Privatisation - that land became possession and wifes became chattels. (...)
(aus:Joan Smith: Moralities: Sex, Money and Power in the 21st Century)
Guardian: 12.05.2001 (Artikel) +
Gräßler, Monika:
Die First Ladies und ihre Ehrenämter
(Geschlechterverhältnis, Frauenrolle,)
Berliner Morgenpost (Artikel) +
5 Einträge.