14 Einträge.

Benshoff, Harry M.:
Brokering Brokeback Mountain - A local Reception Study
Jump Cut: 50/2008 (Aufsatz) +
Rehling, Nicola:
Everyman and no man - White, heterosexual Masculinity in contemporary serial killer movies
Jump Cut: 49/2007 (Aufsatz) +
Rehling, Nicola:
Everyman and no man: white, heterosexual masculinity in contemporary serial killer movies
(Jon Amiel: Copycat; Jonathan Demme. Das Schweigen der Lämmer; Sieben)
Jump Cut: 49/2007 (Artikel) +
Harper, Stephen:
"I could kiss you, you bitch": Race, gender, and sexuality in Resident Evil and Resident Evil 2: Apocalypse
Jump Cut: 49/2007 (Artikel) +
Smart, Robert:
The Passion of Christ - Reflections on Mel's monstrous massiah movie and the culture wars
Jump Cut: 47/2005 (Artikel) +
Ortiz, Christopher:
Hot and Spicy
Jump Cut: 39/1994 (Aufsatz) +
Johnson, Eithne:
Appearing Live on Your Campus! Porn-education Roadshows
Jump Cut: 41/1997 (Artikel) +
Eberwein, Robert:
Sex instruction videos. "One finger on the pause button"
Jump Cut: 41/1997 (Artikel) +
Jebb, Marian:
Hard Men, Soft Men: Cinematic Manliness
(Männlichkeit; Carol J. Clover: Men, women and chainsaws; Susan Jeffords: Hard Bodies)
Jump Cut: 40/1996 (Artikel) +
Fuentes, Annette/Schrage, Margaret:
Deep Inside Porn Stars - Veronica Hard, Gloria Leonard, Kelly Nichols, Candidia Royalle, Annie Sprinkle, and Veronica Vera interviewed
Jump Cut: 32/1987 (Artikel) +
Russ, Joanna:
Pornography and the doubleness of sex for women
Jump Cut: 32/1987 (Artikel) +
Dyer, Richard:
Male Gay Porn - Coming to terms
Jump Cut: 30/1985 (Artikel) +
Dyer, Richard:
Homosexuality and Film Noir
Jump Cut: 16/1977 (Artikel) +
Koch, Getrude:
On Pornographic Cinema: The Body's Shadow Realm
Jump Cut: 1935 (Aufsatz) +
14 Einträge.