15 Einträge.

Spaise, Terry L.:
Necrophilia and SM - The Deviant Side of Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Journal of Popular Culture, The: 4/2005 (Aufsatz) +
Jowett, Lorna:
The Problem of Romance and the Representation of Gender in Buffy and Angel
(Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
2004 (Aufsatz) +
Hall, Jasmine Yong:
Im/Material Girl - Abjection, Penetration, and the Postmodern Body on Buffy the Vampire Slayer
2004 (Aufsatz) +
Amy-Chinn, Dee:
Good Vampires Don't Suck - Sex, Celibacy and the Body of Angel
(aus: Vampires)
Inter-Disciplinary Press: 2003 (Aufsatz) +
Shapiro, Paul D.:
Someone to Sink Your Teeth Into - Gendered Biting Patterns on Buffy the Vampire Slayer - A Quantative Analysis
Slayage: 26/2008 (Artikel) +
100 Jahre Bram Stokers Dracula
(Vampire, Dracula)
1997 (Broschüre) +
Burns, Angie:
Passion, Pain and 'bad kissing decisions' - Learning about Intimate Relationships from Buffy Season Six
(Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
Slayage: 21/2006 (Artikel) +
Hofman-Howley, Ingrid:
Romancing the Vampires - The Loves and Lives of two Vampire Slayers
(Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Anite Blake)
Refractory: 2005 (Artikel) +
Hudson, Dale:
Between Consumerism and Resistance - Outreach and exclusion in online vampire communities
Refractory: 2004 (Artikel) +
Alexander, Jenny:
A Vampire is Being Beaten - DeSade Through the Looking Glass in Buffy and Angel
(Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
Slayage: 15/2004 (Artikel) +
Cocca, Carolyn:
First Word 'Jail', Second Word 'Bait' - Adolescent Sexuality, Feminist Theories, and Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Slayage: 10/2003 (Artikel) +
Heinecken, Dawn:
Fan Readings of Sex and Violence on Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Slayage: 11-12/2003 (Artikel) +
Neumann, Hans-Joachim:
Blut an den Lippen
zitty: 14/1997 (Artikel) +
McAvan, Em:
"I think I'm Kina Gay": Willow Rosenberg and the Absent/Present Bisexual in Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Slayage: 1924 (Artikel) +
Platen, Heide:
Viktorianisches Sexsymbol
(Geschichte, Vampire; Dracula)
taz (Artikel) +
15 Einträge.