16 Einträge.

Ndeneingo-Sia, Valerie:
Mary is one of the lucky few - a never ending story - Tanzania Media Women's Association (TAMWA), its strategies against gender based violence and the power of storytelling
(Schwerpunkt: Wissensweitergabe)
Frauensolidarität: 130/2014 (Zeitschrift: 8-9) +
Eberlein, Ruben:
Krieg der Banden - "Neue Kriege"? Teil drei einer Serie zu Theorie und Alltag in der afrikanischen Politik
(Danny Hoffman: The War Machines. Young Men and Violence in Sierra Leone and Liberia; William Reno: Warfare in Independent Africa; Paul D. Williams: War and Conflict in Africa)
konkret: 11/2013 (Zeitschrift: 24-25) +
Armengol, Josep M.:
Gendering Men - Re-Visions of Violence as a Test of Manhood in American Literature
Atlantis: 2/2007 (Aufsatz) +
Fastner, Daniel:
Besprechungen Soziale Bewegungen und Politik
(Mary Kaldor: Human Security. Reflections on Globalization and Intervention; Richard Devetak, Christopher W. Hughes: The Globalization of Political Violence)
Das Argument: 282/2009 (Zeitschrift: 691-695) +
Agnich, Laura E.:
Masculinities and Sexual Violence among a Sample of Clients of Street Prostitutes
08.05.2007 (Aufsatz) +
Heinecken, Dawn:
Fan Readings of Sex and Violence on Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Slayage: 11-12/2003 (Artikel) +
Grant, Linda:
Bad sex - It's a year since the watershed trial in which Austin Donellan was proved innocent of raping a fellow student. But the idea of "date rape" still dominates young women's descussion of sexual violence. Can anything be gained from this narrow obsession?
Guardian: 24.09.1994 (Artikel) +
Johnson, Bob:
Violent, man and boy - Bob Johnson spent five years working with men convicted of violence against women. Here, he explains the mechanics of his work and why he believes there is a cure.
Guardian: 13.02.1996 (Artikel) +
Brooker, Emma:
Mindful of violence - Can violent men be "cured" throigh therapy? One man claims he was successully treated. His wife says he later tried to kill her.
Guardian: 03.04.1995 (Artikel) +
Peter, Katharina:
American Psycho - Violence as Abuse of Freedom
(in: Wiemann: Discourses of Violence - Violence of Discourse; Männlichkeit, Bret Easton Ellis, Yuppies)
Peter Lang: 2005 (Aufsatz) +
Schneider, Steven Jay:
Murder as Art/The Art of Murder - Aestheticising Violence in Modern Cinematic Horror
(Horrorfilm, Männlichkeit, Gewalt)
2002 (Artikel) +
(Swiss Peace Foundation: War against Women. The impact of Violence on Gender Relations. Report of the 6th Annual Conference)
antimilitaristische informationen: 09/1996 (Zeitschrift: 21-23) +
Krieg gegen Frauen
(16.-17.09.1994 Konferenz in Bern: War against women - the impact on organized violence of gender relations)
antimilitaristische informationen: 11/1994 (Zeitschrift: 21-22) +
Distelhorst, Lars:
Wem Michael Moore zu platt ist - Judith Butler kritisiert die Außenpolitik der USA und greift dabei auf die Ausführungen von Emmanuel Lévinas zurück
(Judith Butler: Precarious Life - The Powers of Mourning and Violence)
jungle World: 33/2004 (Zeitschrift: 22) +
Travis, Alan:
Both sexes equally at risk of domestic violence
(Gewalt gegen Frauen, Modernisierung,)
Guardian Weekly (Artikel) +
Seibert, Thomas:
Überraschende Wendungen - Konfliktbearbeitung von unten in Südafrika
(NGO Survivors of Violence (Durban))
iz3w: 254/2001 (Zeitschrift: 33-35) +
16 Einträge.