6 Einträge.

Hüttner, Bernd/Spehr, Christoph:
Men in Left
alaska: 215/1997 (Zeitschrift: 15-17) +
Campbell, Beatrix:
"I only attacked her once ... I thought nothing of it" - Men behaving brutally: can they learn to care?
Guardian: 09.08.1997 (Artikel) +
Johnson, Bob:
Violent, man and boy - Bob Johnson spent five years working with men convicted of violence against women. Here, he explains the mechanics of his work and why he believes there is a cure.
Guardian: 13.02.1996 (Artikel) +
Brooker, Emma:
Mindful of violence - Can violent men be "cured" throigh therapy? One man claims he was successully treated. His wife says he later tried to kill her.
Guardian: 03.04.1995 (Artikel) +
Trenkle, Norbert:
fragmente zur selbstkritik der männlichkeit
(praxis, diskussion, subjektivität, identität, wert,)
Horlemann: 13/1993 (Artikel) +
Leute aus der IWF-Männergruppe:
Patriarchatsdiskussion von männern im rahmen der
(diskussion, praxis, geschlechterverhältnis,)
1988 (Broschüre) +
6 Einträge.