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Sasha - Belgrade:
Bacvanska from inside - about custody/prison reality in Belgrade/Serbia
Abolishing the Borders from Below: 21/2005 (Zeitschrift: 28-29) +
Anti-fascist news
(verschiedene Meldungen)
Abolishing the Borders from Below: 21/2005 (Zeitschrift: 44) +
"National desaster and rejection of wole political class by a majority of society" or ... "Juz wiecej tym kurwom nie dam sie oszukac!"
(Schwerpunkt: Electoral circus back in Poland; Parlamentswahl und Präsidentschaftswahl in Polen)
Abolishing the Borders from Below: 21/2005 (Zeitschrift: 8-9) +
Akai, Laure:
The crony leftist will finally be gone - ...but no reason to celebrate
(Schwerpunkt: Electoral circus back in Poland)
Abolishing the Borders from Below: 21/2005 (Zeitschrift: 10-11) +
Thoughts around the Wen-Do workshop
Abolishing the Borders from Below: 23/2006 (Zeitschrift: 25-26) +
Sasha - Belgrade:
Serbia - Conditions in Belgrade's Prisons
Abolishing the Borders from Below: 23/2006 (Zeitschrift: 42) +
Two weeks on hunger strike
Abolishing the Borders from Below: 23/2006 (Zeitschrift: 46) +
Antifascist chronicle from Russia
Abolishing the Borders from Below: 23/2006 (Zeitschrift: 52-54) +
Polish Anarchist Federation:
The polish anarchist federation statement towards religious lessons in schools
Abolishing the Borders from Below: 23/2006 (Zeitschrift: 6) +
Fighting back the chains of patriarchy
Abolishing the Borders from Below: 23/2006 (Zeitschrift: 11-12) +
Gay power - Who has actually "bombed" whom in Warsaw on October 20, 2005?
(Lech Kaczynski, Zielonie 2004)
Abolishing the Borders from Below: 23/2006 (Zeitschrift: 14-15) +
The story of Gallery squat in St. Petersburg (Autumn 205)
Abolishing the Borders from Below: 23/2006 (Zeitschrift: 43) +
Emancipation vs. assimiliation
Abolishing the Borders from Below: 23/2006 (Zeitschrift: 8-9) +
Skinheads stir trouble in Zizkov district
Abolishing the Borders from Below: 23/2006 (Zeitschrift: 50) +
Influence of patriarchy on different areas of social and political life in poland
Abolishing the Borders from Below: 23/2006 (Zeitschrift: 16-18) +
Veronika (AbolishingBB):
Liberating ourselves...liberating love - Dreaming of being brought up free from the interference of patriarchy
Abolishing the Borders from Below: 23/2006 (Zeitschrift: 28-29) +
Repression against trade union activists in Poland
Abolishing the Borders from Below: 23/2006 (Zeitschrift: 47) +
Catholicism + patriarchy + homophobia = "Radio Maryja"
(Tadeusz Rydzyk, Liga Polskich Rodzin/League of Polish Families)
Abolishing the Borders from Below: 23/2006 (Zeitschrift: 18-19) +
Thoughts on Moscow Pride
Abolishing the Borders from Below: 23/2006 (Zeitschrift: 19-21) +
Sexismus is not a problem of women
Abolishing the Borders from Below: 23/2006 (Zeitschrift: 24-25) +
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