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Catholicism + patriarchy + homophobia = "Radio Maryja"
(Tadeusz Rydzyk, Liga Polskich Rodzin/League of Polish Families)
Abolishing the Borders from Below: 23/2006 (Zeitschrift: 18-19) +
All colours of rascists, nationalists and fascists on the march to the polish parliament - Report from the city of Torun - stronghold of polish conservatives
(Schwerpunkt: Electoral circus back in Poland; National Revival of Poland (NOP); Liga Polskich Rodzin/League of Polish Families (LRP); Polish National Party (PPN); All-Poland Youth (MW))
Abolishing the Borders from Below: 21/2005 (Zeitschrift: 12) +
Fighting back the chains of patriarchy
Abolishing the Borders from Below: 23/2006 (Zeitschrift: 11-12) +
Moscow Anarcho-Syndicalists:
No war between the people - no peace between the classes !
(Kaukasus ; Tschetschenien)
Abolishing the Borders from Below: 21/2005 (Zeitschrift: 39) +
Oregon, Evgueni:
Some questions about resistance to the G8 summit in Petersburg 2006
(Schwerpunkt: Shoot down the Leningrad cowboys - G8 summit 2006 in St. Petersburg ; Otradny protest camp)
Abolishing the Borders from Below: 21/2005 (Zeitschrift: 19) +
Czechtekk it out - "What you want is what you get ... unfortunately"
(Rave-Party ; Czech-Tekk Festival)
Abolishing the Borders from Below: 21/2005 (Zeitschrift: 6) +
Pavel (Prague - Czechia):
You have to swallow a lot of visible, covered or hidden gender stereotypes - Text based on pamphlet "Gender in Czech Anarchist Movement"
(Marta Kolarova)
Abolishing the Borders from Below: 23/2006 (Zeitschrift: 26-28) +
Polish Anarchist Federation:
The polish anarchist federation statement towards religious lessons in schools
Abolishing the Borders from Below: 23/2006 (Zeitschrift: 6) +
Revoluce,Emca/Zobel, Elke:
Bloody Mary ! - Spreading feminist ideas in the Czech Republic
(Collective Bloody Mary)
Abolishing the Borders from Below: 23/2006 (Zeitschrift: 32-35) +
Russian Animal Liberation Front Supporters Group (RALF SG):
The history of the Russian Animal Liberation Front
Abolishing the Borders from Below: 23/2006 (Zeitschrift: 7) +
Thoughts on Moscow Pride
Abolishing the Borders from Below: 23/2006 (Zeitschrift: 19-21) +
Sasha - Belgrade:
Serbia - Conditions in Belgrade's Prisons
Abolishing the Borders from Below: 23/2006 (Zeitschrift: 42) +
Sasha - Belgrade:
Is it better to be a criminal or an illegal person? - deportation prison in Basel
Abolishing the Borders from Below: 21/2005 (Zeitschrift: 30-31) +
Sasha - Belgrade:
Bacvanska from inside - about custody/prison reality in Belgrade/Serbia
Abolishing the Borders from Below: 21/2005 (Zeitschrift: 28-29) +
Starostin, Vasilij:
Support the workers of the youth club Fregat in the Siberian city of Tomsk
Abolishing the Borders from Below: 21/2005 (Zeitschrift: 35) +
Subwar Collective:
Peeling potatoes - Anarchist activism or charitable gesture (part 2) - Interview with people from Subwar collective from belgrade (Serbia) towards their Food Not Bombs activity
(Food Not Bombs)
Abolishing the Borders from Below: 23/2006 (Zeitschrift: 44-45) +
Tatjana & Suncana (Zagreb):
Fighting back patriarchy in Croatia
Abolishing the Borders from Below: 23/2006 (Zeitschrift: 30-31) +
Veronika (AbolishingBB):
Liberating ourselves...liberating love - Dreaming of being brought up free from the interference of patriarchy
Abolishing the Borders from Below: 23/2006 (Zeitschrift: 28-29) +
Veronika (AbolishingBB):
Resisting while mentaly imprisoned - AbolishingBB apoligizes and explains the use of the sexist expression in the magazine
(Schwerpunkt: Electoral circus back in Poland; Parlamentswahl und Präsidentschaftswahl in Polen; kurwa)
Abolishing the Borders from Below: 21/2005 (Zeitschrift: 9) +
XVIII Congress of Association of Movements of Anarchists:
The resolution of XVIII congress of the Ama
(Kaukasus ; Tschetschenien)
Abolishing the Borders from Below: 21/2005 (Zeitschrift: 38-39) +
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